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发布日期:2023-04-14    作者:楚林



  1.Development of environmentally andeconomically sustainable delamination process for spent lithium-ion batteries

  Abstracts:The lithium-ion battery era is still ongoing;as a result, a large number of lithium-ion batteries are being used, and asimilar number of spent lithium-ion batteries get produced. Being a rich sourceof valuable metals, spent batteries can be recycled if the process iscost-effective and environmentally friendly. In this paper, an attempt is madeto reuse N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) solvent for delamination of untreatedcathode material in order to establish an economically viable andenvironmentally sustainable process. The comparison of pure and recycled NMPdelamination processes was studied on the basis of delamination efficiency,environmental, and economic indices. The average delamination efficiency ofuntreated cathode material was found to be in a similar range for pure andrecycled NMP. The global warming potential of pure and recycled NMP was foundto be 7.19 and 6.64 kg CO2 equivalent, respectively. Cost required for recycledNMP process is reduced by a magnitude of approximately 4.5 times compared tothe pure NMP delamination process. Hence, it is concluded that the recycled NMPprocess is a more environmentally sustainable and cost-effective option thanthe pure NMP delamination process.



  2.Photo-/electro-/piezo-catalytic eliminationof environmental pollutants

  Abstracts:With the rapid development of industry,agriculture and animal husbandry, and the improvement of human living standard,huge amounts of inorganic and organic pollutants are inevitably released to thenatural envi-ronmental system. The pollutants even at low concentrations aretoxic to human beings through the accumu-lation of food chain, and therebycause hazardous to human health even diseases. In this review, the recentstudies about the catalytic organic pollutants' degradation and metalradionuclides/ions reduction were sum-marized. The photocatalytic,electrocatalytic and piezo catalytic elimination of environmental pollutantswere reviewed, and the contributions of free active radicals on the catalyticremoval of pollutants were discussed in detail. The relationship among theproperties of pollutants, structures of catalysts, and environmental conditionswas described from advanced spectroscopy characterization analysis andcomputational calculations. In the end of this review, the possible challengesin the catalytic elimination of pollutants were speculated. This reviewhighlights the application of different catalytic techniques for the efficientremoval of pollutants in environ-mental pollution treatment.


  3.Synthesis Nanostructure MnMoO4/NiCo2O4 onGraphenized Pencil Lead as Solid Phase Microextraction Fiber for Measurementof Environmental Pollutants in Surface Waters Samples

  Abstracts:The main goal of this study is the synthesisnano structure MnMoO4/NiCo2O4 on graphenized pencil lead as solid phasemicroextraction fiber for mensuration of environmental pollutants in surfacewater samples. In this study, MnMoO4/NiCo2O4 on graphenized pencil lead fiberwas synthesized by hydrothermal method and characterized by scanning electronmicroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and thermogravimetricanalysis. Then its extraction efficiency for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in surface water samples via the HS-SPME method was evaluated. Theresults revealed that prepared fiber is appropriate for quantitativedetermination. Identification of adsorbed analytes from the surface of fiberwas performed in combination GC-FID. Under the optimized conditions, the linearresponse for the analytes was observed in the range from 0.001 to 10 mu g L-1with the Correlation coefficients (R-2) ranged from 0.998 to 0.983 and thelimits of detection (LOD) between 0.2 and 3.8 ngL(-1). The proposed fiber wassuccessfully used for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) spiked in surface water samples and RSD% values were obtained in therange of 6.1%-9.6%.


  4.Thestringent response gene rsh plays multiple roles in Novosphingobium pentaromativoransUS6-1?s accommodation to different environmental pollutants: Phenanthrene,copper and nZVI

  Abstracts:The rsh based stringent response system iswidely employed by bacteria to cope with environmental stresses. However, howdoes the stringent response involve in bacterial accommodation to environmentalpollutant is largely unexplored. In this study, to comprehensively understandthe roles of rsh in Novosphingobium pentar-omativorans US6-1's metabolism andaccommodation to different pollutants, three distinct pollutants,phenan-threne, copper and nanoparticulated zero valent iron (nZVI) wereselected as exposure substances. Results indicated that rsh played importantroles in US6-1's multiplication and metabolism, including survival rate at stationaryphase, amino acid and nucleotide metabolism, extracellular polymeric substance(EPS) production, redox homeostasis, etc. The deletion of rsh affectedphenanthrene removal rates through regulating the multi-plication of US6-1 andincreasing the expression of degradation related genes. The rsh mutant showedhigher resistance to copper than the wild type, largely due to higher EPSproduction and enhanced expression of copper resistance related genes. Finally,the rsh based stringent response helped maintain the redox homeostasis whenUS6-1 confronted nZVI particles that exerted oxidative stress, therebyimproving the survival rate. Overall, this study provides firsthand data thatrsh plays multiple roles in US6-1's accommodation to environmental pollut-ants.The stringent response system could be a powerful tool for environmentalscientists and engineers to harness bacterial activities for bioremediationpurposes.



  1.Commentary: The Materials Project:A materials genome approach to accelerating materials innovation

  来源期刊:APL MATERIALS 出版时间:JUL 2013


  摘要:Accelerating the discovery of advanced materials isessential for human welfare and sustainable, clean energy. In this paper, weintroduce the Materials Project (www.materialsproject.org), a core program ofthe Materials Genome Initiative that uses high-throughput computing to uncoverthe properties of all known inorganic materials. This open dataset can beaccessed through multiple channels for both interactive exploration and datamining. The Materials Project also seeks to create open-source platforms fordeveloping robust, sophisticated materials analyses. Future efforts will enableusers to perform "rapid-prototyping" of new materials in silico, andprovide researchers with new avenues for cost-effective, data-driven materialsdesign. (C) 2013 Author(s).

  2.Raman spectroscopy asa versatile tool for studying the properties of graphene



  摘要:Raman spectroscopy is an integral part of grapheneresearch. It is used to determine the number and orientation of layers, thequality and types of edge, and the effects of perturbations, such as electricand magnetic fields, strain, doping, disorder and functional groups. This, inturn, provides insight into all sp(2)-bonded carbon allotropes, becausegraphene is their fundamental building block. Here we review the state of theart, future directions and open questions in Raman spectroscopy of graphene. Wedescribe essential physical processes whose importance has only recently beenrecognized, such as the various types of resonance at play, and the role ofquantum interference. We update all basic concepts and notations, and propose aterminology that is able to describe any result in literature. We finallyhighlight the potential of Raman spectroscopy for layered materials other thangraphene.

  3.Solvent engineeringfor high-performance inorganic-organic hybrid perovskite solar cells

  来源期刊:NATURE MATERIALS  出版时间:SEP 2014


  摘要:Organolead trihalide perovskite materials have beensuccessfully used as light absorbers in efficient photovoltaic cells. Twodifferent cell structures, based on mesoscopic metal oxides and planar heterojunctionshave already demonstrated very impressive advances in performance. Here, wereport a bilayer architecture comprising the key features of mesoscopic andplanar structures obtained by a fully solution-based process. We used CH3NH3Pb(I1-xBrx)(3) (x = 0.1-0.15) as the absorbing layer and poly(triarylamine) asa hole-transporting material. The use of a mixed solvent of gamma-butyrolactoneand dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) followed by toluene drop-casting leads toextremely uniform and dense perovskite layers via a CH3NH3I-PbI2-DMSOintermediate phase, and enables the fabrication of remarkably improved solarcells with a certified power-conversion efficiency of 16.2% and no hysteresis.These results provide important progress towards the understanding of the roleof solution-processing in the realization of low-cost and highly efficientperovskite solar cells.

  4.Black phosphorusfield-effect transistors



  摘要:Two-dimensional crystals have emerged as a class ofmaterials that may impact future electronic technologies. Experimentallyidentifying and characterizing new functional two-dimensional materials ischallenging, but also potentially rewarding. Here, we fabricate field-effecttransistors based on few-layer black phosphorus crystals with thickness down toa few nanometres. Reliable transistor performance is achieved at roomtemperature in samples thinner than 7.5 nm, with drain current modulation onthe order of 10(5) and well-developed current saturation in the I-Vcharacteristics. The charge-carrier mobility is found to bethickness-dependent, with the highest values up to similar to 1,000 cm(2) V-1s(-1) obtained for a thickness of similar to 10nm. Our results demonstrate thepotential of black phosphorus thin crystals as a new two-dimensional materialfor applications in nanoelectronic devices.

  5.Iodide management informamidinium-lead-halide-based perovskite layers for efficient solar cells

  来源期刊:SCIENCE 出版时间:JUN 30 2017


  摘要:The formation of a dense and uniform thin layer on thesubstrates is crucial for the fabrication of high-performance perovskite solarcells (PSCs) containing formamidinium with multiple cations and mixed halideanions. The concentration of defect states, which reduce a cell's performanceby decreasing the open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current density, needsto be as low as possible. We show that the introduction of additional iodideions into the organic cation solution, which are used to form the perovskitelayers through an intramolecular exchanging process, decreases theconcentration of deep-level defects. The defect-engineered thin perovskitelayers enable the fabrication of PSCs with a certified power conversionefficiency of 22.1% in small cells and 19.7% in 1-square-centimeter cells.

  6.Stimuli-responsivenanocarriers for drug delivery

  来源期刊:NATURE MATERIALS 出版时间:NOV 2013


  摘要:Spurred by recent progress in materials chemistry anddrug delivery, stimuli-responsive devices that deliver a drug in spatial-,temporal-and dosage-controlled fashions have become possible. Implementation ofsuch devices requires the use of biocompatible materials that are susceptibleto a specific physical incitement or that, in response to a specific stimulus,undergo a protonation, a hydrolytic cleavage or a (supra) molecularconformational change. In this Review, we discuss recent advances in the designof nanoscale stimuli-responsive systems that are able to control drugbiodistribution in response to specific stimuli, either exogenous (variationsin temperature, magnetic field, ultrasound intensity, light or electric pulses)or endogenous (changes in pH, enzyme concentration or redox gradients).

  7.Li-ion batterymaterials: present and future

  来源期刊:MATERIALS TODAY 出版时间:JUN 2015


  摘要:This review covers key technological developments andscientific challenges for a broad range of Li-ion battery electrodes. Periodictable and potential/capacity plots are used to compare many families ofsuitable materials. Performance characteristics, current limitations, andrecent breakthroughs in the development of commercial intercalation materialssuch as lithium cobalt oxide (LCO), lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide(NCM), lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide (NCA), lithium iron phosphate(LFP), lithium titanium oxide (LTO) and others are contrasted with that ofconversion materials, such as alloying anodes (Si, Ge, Sn, etc.), chalcogenides(S, Se, Te), and metal halides (F, Cl, Br, I). New polyanion cathode materialsare also discussed. The cost, abundance, safety, Li and electron transport,volumetric expansion, material dissolution, and surface reactions for each typeof electrode materials are described. Both general and specific strategies toovercome the current challenges are covered and categorized.

  8.    Electron-holediffusion lengths > 175 mu m in solution-grown CH3NH3PbI3 single crystals

  来源期刊:SCIENCE 出版时间:FEB 27 2015


  摘要:Long, balanced electron and hole diffusion lengthsgreater than 100 nanometers in the polycrystalline organolead trihalidecompound CH3NH3PbI3 are critical for highly efficient perovskite solar cells.We found that the diffusion lengths in CH3NH3PbI3 single crystals grown by asolution-growth method can exceed 175 micrometers under 1 sun (100 mW cm(-2))illumination and exceed 3 millimeters under weak light for both electrons andholes. The internal quantum efficiencies approach 100% in 3-millimeter-thicksingle-crystal perovskite solar cells under weak light. These long diffusionlengths result from greater carrier mobility, longer lifetime, and much smallertrap densities in the single crystals than in polycrystalline thin films. Thelong carrier diffusion lengths enabled the use of CH3NH3PbI3 in radiationsensing and energy harvesting through the gammavoltaic effect, with anefficiency of 3.9% measured with an intense cesium-137 source.

  9.2D materials and vander Waals heterostructures

  来源期刊:SCIENCE 出版时间:JUL 29 2016


  摘要:The physics of two-dimensional ( 2D) materials andheterostructures based on such crystals has been developing extremely fast.With these new materials, truly 2D physics has begun to appear ( for instance,the absence of long-range order, 2D excitons, commensurate-incommensuratetransition, etc.). Novel heterostructure devices-such as tunneling transistors,resonant tunneling diodes, and light-emitting diodes-are also starting toemerge. Composed from individual 2D crystals, such devices use the propertiesof those materials to create functionalities that are not accessible in otherheterostructures. Here we review the properties of novel 2D crystals andexamine how their properties are used in new heterostructure devices.

  10.2D metal carbides andnitrides (MXenes) for energy storage



  摘要:The family of 2D transition metal carbides, carbonitridesand nitrides (collectively referred to as MXenes) has expanded rapidly sincethe discovery of Ti3C2 in 2011. The materials reported so far always havesurface terminations, such as hydroxyl, oxygen or fluorine, which imparthydrophilicity to their surfaces. About 20 different MXenes have beensynthesized, and the structures and properties of dozens more have been theoreticallypredicted. The availability of solid solutions, the control of surfaceterminations and a recent discovery of multi-transitionmetal layered MXenesoffer the potential for synthesis of many new structures. The versatilechemistry of MXenes allows the tuning of properties for applications includingenergy storage, electromagnetic interference shielding, reinforcement forcomposites, water purification, gas- and biosensors, lubrication, and photo-,electro- and chemical catalysis. Attractive electronic, optical, plasmonic andthermoelectric properties have also been shown. In this Review, we present thesynthesis, structure and properties of MXenes, as well as their energy storageand related applications, and an outlook for future research.

1.Smart manufacturing

  Abstracts:Manufacturinghas evolved and become more automated, computerised and complex. In this paper,the origin, current status and the future developments in manufacturing aredisused. Smart manufacturing is an emerging form of production integratingmanufacturing assets of today and tomorrow with sensors, computing platforms,communication technology, control, simulation, data intensive modelling andpredictive engineering. It utilises the concepts of cyber-physical systemsspearheaded by the internet of things, cloud computing, service-orientedcomputing, artificial intelligence and data science. Once implemented, theseconcepts and technologies would make smart manufacturing the hallmark of thenext industrial revolution. The essence of smart manufacturing is captured insix pillars, manufacturing technology and processes, materials, data,predictive engineering, sustainability and resource sharing and networking.Material handling and supply chains have been an integral part ofmanufacturing. The anticipated developments in material handling andtransportation and their integration with manufacturing driven bysustainability, shared services and service quality and are outlined. Thefuture trends in smart manufacturing are captured in ten conjectures rangingfrom manufacturing digitisation and material-product-process phenomenon toenterprise dichotomy and standardisation.





2.Smartmanufacturing: Characteristics, technologies and enabling factors

  Abstracts:Thepurpose of this article is to collect and structure the variouscharacteristics, technologies and enabling factors available in the currentbody of knowledge that are associated with smart manufacturing. Eventually, itis expected that this selection of characteristics, technologies and enablingfactors will help compare and distinguish other initiatives such as Industry 4.0,cyber-physical production systems, smart factory, intelligentmanufacturing and advanced manufacturing, which are frequently usedsynonymously with smart manufacturing. The result of this article is acomprehensive list of such characteristics, technologies and enabling factorsthat are regularly associated with smart manufacturing. This article alsoconsiders principles of "semantic similarity" to establish the basisfor a future smart manufacturing ontology, since it was found that many of thelisted items show varying overlaps; therefore, certain characteristics andtechnologies are merged and/or clustered. This results in a set of fivedefining characteristics, 11 technologies and three enabling factors that areconsidered relevant for the smart manufacturing scope. This article thenevaluates the derived structure by matching the characteristics and technologyclusters of smart manufacturing with the design principles of Industry 4.0 andcyber-physical systems. The authors aim to provide a solid basis to start abroad and interdisciplinary discussion within the research and industrialcommunity about the defining characteristics, technologies and enabling factorsof smart manufacturing.





3.TowardNew-Generation Intelligent Manufacturing

  Abstracts:Intelligent manufacturing is ageneral concept that is under continuous development. It can be categorizedinto three basic paradigms: digital manufacturing, digital-networkedmanufacturing, and new-generation intelligent manufacturing.New-generation intelligent manufacturing represents an indepthintegration of new-generation artificial intelligence (AI) technology andadvanced manufacturing technology. It runs through every link in the fulllife-cycle of design, production, product, and service. The concept alsorelates to the optimization and integration of corresponding systems; thecontinuous improvement of enterprises' product quality, performance, andservice levels; and reduction in resources consumption.New-generation intelligent manufacturing acts as the core drivingforce of the new industrial revolution and will continue to be the main pathwayfor the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry in thedecades to come. Human-cyber-physical systems (HCPSs) reveal the technologicalmechanisms of new-generation intelligent manufacturing and caneffectively guide related theoretical research and engineering practice. Giventhe sequential development, cross interaction, and iterative upgradingcharacteristics of the three basic paradigms of intelligent manufacturing,a technology roadmap for "parallel promotion and integrateddevelopment" should be developed in order to drive forward the intelligenttransformation of the manufacturing industry in China.





1.Federated Machine Learning: Conceptand Applications

  Abstracts:Today's artificial intelligence still faces twomajor challenges. One is that, in most industries, data exists in the form ofisolated islands. The other is the strengthening of data privacy and security.We propose a possible solution to these challenges: secure federated learning.Beyond the federated-learning framework first proposed by Google in 2016, weintroduce a comprehensive secure federated-learning framework, which includeshorizontal federated learning, vertical federated learning, and federatedtransfer learning. We provide definitions, architectures, and applications forthe federated-learning framework, and provide a comprehensive survey ofexisting works on this subject. In addition, we propose building data networksamong organizations based on federated mechanisms as an effective solution toallowing knowledge to be shared without compromising user privacy.





2.Stop explaining black box machinelearning models for high stakes decisions and use interpretable modelsinstead

  Abstracts:Black box machine learning models are currentlybeing used for high-stakes decision making throughout society, causing problemsin healthcare, criminal justice and other domains. Some people hope thatcreating methods for explaining these black box models will alleviate some ofthe problems, but trying to explain black box models, rather than creatingmodels that are interpretable in the first place, is likely to perpetuate badpractice and can potentially cause great harm to society. The way forward is todesign models that are inherently interpretable. This Perspective clarifies thechasm between explaining black boxes and using inherently interpretable models,outlines several key reasons why explainable black boxes should be avoided inhigh-stakes decisions, identifies challenges to interpretable machine learning,and provides several example applications where interpretable models couldpotentially replace black box models in criminal justice, healthcare andcomputer vision.





  Abstracts:Here we summarize recent progress in machinelearning for the chemical sciences. We outline machine-learning techniques thatare suitable for addressing research questions in this domain, as well asfuture directions for the field. We envisage a future in which the design,synthesis, characterization and application of molecules and materials isaccelerated by artificial intelligence.





1.Online Exercise Training Program for BrazilianOlder Adults: Effects on Physical Fitness and Health-Related Variables of aFeasibility Study in Times of COVID-19

  Abstracts:The COVID-19 pandemic brought negative consequences such associal isolation and limited access to health services, especially for olderadults. The objective was to evaluate effects of an online exercise trainingprogram and physical fitness and health-related variables on Brazilian olderadults during the COVID-19 pandemic and secondarily to assess the feasibilityand application of an online program. A study was developed with twenty olderadults who participated in a 9-month online exercise program. The physicalfitness, depressive symptoms, concern about falling, and quality of life wereassessed pre- and post-intervention. One-way repeated measures ANOVA and effectsize was used. The feasibility was proven by the adherence to the program, inaddition to the absence of identification of adverse effects. The resultsshowed that physical fitness was improved (upper limb strength) or maintained(lower limb strength, lower and upper limb flexibility, cardiorespiratoryfitness), as well as for most of the health-related variables (depressivesymptoms, concern about falling, and quality of life domains). The study wasdeveloped in the first COVID-19 lockdown in Brazil, but positive and importantresults were obtained. This research supports the feasibility of the onlineexercise training program and provides a basis for an online exercise programfor older adults.


2.The impact of internet penetration on venturecapital investments: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
Abstracts:This study investigates the relationship between internetpenetration and venture capital (VC) investment in China. Exploiting staggeredinclusion in demonstration cities under the Broadband China strategy as apositive shock to internet penetration, our difference-in-differences analysisshows that this policy shock results in an increase in VC investments indemonstration cities relative to others. Moreover, the increase in VCinvestments is concentrated in early stage financing and youngstart-ups. In terms of VC fund sources, we find a stronger effect on foreignand independent VCs. Our mechanism analysis suggests that the effect of thebroadband rollout is mainly driven by cities with higher ex-ante costs ofinformation acquisition and that such costs are reduced by the improvementof internet-based network infrastructure. Finally, we provideadditional evidence on the benefits to established companies by showing thatbroadband rollout improves the information environment of listed firms. Ourstudy sheds new light on the economic consequences of infrastructuredevelopment that reduces information acquisition costs in China.
摘要:检测整幅窜改图像的方法增加了许多非必要的计算量,为了降低计算复杂度和进一步提高检测精确率,提出了一种基于改进显著图和局部特征匹配的copy-move窜改检测方法。首先,结合图像梯度改进显著图,分离出包含图像高纹理信息的局部显著区域。其次,只对该局部区域采用SIFT(scale invariant feature transform)算法提取特征点。然后,对显著性小的图像采用密度聚类和二阶段匹配策略,对显著性大的图像采用超像素分割和显著块特征匹配的策略。最后,结合PSNR和形态学操作来定位窜改区域。在两个公开数据集上进行实验,该方法的平均检测时间小于10s,平均检测精确率大于97%,均优于所对比的方法。实验结果表明,该方法能够大幅缩减检测时间、有效提高检测精确率,并且对几何变换和后处理操作也都具有较好的鲁棒性。


















  1. Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal DataMining: A Survey

  Abstracts:With the fast development of variouspositioning techniques such as Global Position System (GPS), mobile devices andremote sensing, spatio-temporal data has become increasingly availablenowadays. Mining valuable knowledge from spatio-temporal data is criticallyimportant to many real-world applications including human mobilityunderstanding, smart transportation, urban planning, public safety, health careand environmental management. As the number, volume and resolution ofspatio-temporal data increase rapidly, traditional data mining methods,especially statistics-based methods for dealing with such data arebecoming overwhelmed. Recently deep learning models such as recurrent neuralnetwork (RNN) and convolutional neural network (CNN) have achieved remarkablesuccess in many domains due to the powerful ability in automatic featurerepresentation learning, and are also widely applied in variousspatio-temporal data mining (STDM) tasks such as predictive learning, anomalydetection and classification. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive reviewof recent progress in applying deep learning techniques for STDM. We firstcategorize the spatio-temporal data into five different types, and then brieflyintroduce the deep learning models that are widely used in STDM. Next, weclassify existing literature based on the types of spatio-temporal data, thedata mining tasks, and the deep learning models, followed by the applications ofdeep learning for STDM in different domains including transportation, on-demandservice, climate & weather analysis, human mobility, location-based socialnetwork, crime analysis, and neuroscience. Finally, we conclude the limitationsof current research and point out future research directions.



  2.Colorectalpolyp region extraction using saliency detection network with neutrosophicenhancement

  Abstracts:Colorectal polyp recognition is crucial forearly colorectal cancer detection and treatment. Colonoscopy is always employedfor colorectal polyp scanning. However, one out of four polyps may be ignored,due to the similarity of polyp and normal tissue. In this paper, we present anovel method called NeutSS-PLP for polyp region extraction in colonoscopyimages using a short connected saliency detection network with neutrosophicenhancement. We first utilize the neutrosophic theory to enhance the quality ofspecular reflections detection in the colonoscopy images. We develop the localand global threshold criteria in the single-valued neutrosophic set (SVNS)domain and define the corresponding T (Truth), I (Indeterminacy), and F(Falsity) functions for each criterion. The well-built neutrosophic images areprocessed and employed for specular reflection detection and suppressing. Next,we introduce two-level short connections into the saliency detection network,aiming to take advantage of the multi-level and multi-scale features extractedfrom different stages of the network. Experimental results conducted on twopublic colorectal polyp datasets achieve 0.877 and 0.9135 mIoU for polypextraction respectively, and our method performs better compared with severalstate-of-the-art saliency networks and semantic segmentation networks, whichdemonstrate the effectiveness of applying the saliency detection mechanism forcolorectal polyp region extraction.



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