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发布日期:2022-11-02    作者:楚林






  1.Investigation ofthe Mechanical Properties of M40-Grade Concrete with PCB Fiber from RecycledElectronic Waste

  Abstracts:Printedcircuit board (PCB) fiber in concrete is a novel and radical concept in durableconcrete because it helps to reduce environmental pollution and resolve wastemanagement issues. Concrete made from e-waste fiber is a substitute forconventional concrete because it improves the properties of traditionalconcrete and decreases the quantity of electronic waste dumped into nature.This paper investigates the effect of using a PCB after extracting nonmetallicparts. The remaining parts were made into fiber and added to the concrete at1%, 2%, and 3% of the cement's weight. The e-waste PCB fiber of aspect ratios10 and 20 was added to M40-grade concrete with a w/c ratio of 0.45. The freshand hardened properties of the PCB fiber concrete were investigated andcompared with those of conventional concrete after 7, 14, and 28 days ofcuring. The experimental results revealed that electronic waste fiber concreteshowed increased strength compared with control concrete. Ultrasonic pulsevelocity and rebound hammer tests were also performed to evaluate the qualityof e-waste PCB fiber concrete. The rebound hammer test results were comparedwith those of the compressive strength of e-waste fiber concrete, and bothresults were found to be in close agreement. This study also found thatrecycling hazardous electronic waste generated in the construction industrywould help manage waste better and prevent environmental problems caused byelectronic waste.


  2.Ultrathin WS2 nanobowls-based hybrid aerogels for selective trapping ofprecious metals from electronic wastes and elimination of organic dyes

  Abstracts:Recyclingprecious metals from electronic wastes, minerals, waste catalysts, industrialwastewater and other wastes are of great significance to the construction of asustainable industry framework, but it is still challenging. Herein, we for thefirst time proposed the design and preparation of two three-dimensional (3D) WS2 nanobowls hybrid aerogels (GA@WS2 Nbs and WS2 Nbs/GA) forthe recovery of precious metal ions and highly efficient removal of organicdyes. The construction of tungsten disulfide nanobowls (WS2 Nbs) wasoptimized in morphology in consideration of the precursor concentration andreaction time. The prepared WS2 Nbs/GA was shown to rapidly captureAu(III) from printed wiring board (PWB) containing variousinterferents. The calculated capture capability of 1265.8 mg g−1 forAu(III) was obtained. It surprisingly involved that the depositionof nano gold (Au0) on the WS2 Nbs/GA was due to not onlythe selective chemistry of WS2 Nbs/GA but also its reductioninteraction. Furthermore, the WS2 Nbs/GA exhibited remarkableefficiencies (99 %) in the removal of methylene blue. The unique propertiesgave the hybrid aerogels gifted ability in capturing Au(III) fromelectronic wastes and minerals. It provided a blueprint for the next generationgreen platform for precious metals and water treatment.


  3.Gold recovery atultra-high purity from electronic waste using selective polymeric film

  Abstracts:Wepropose a sustainable Au recovery technology from e-waste with high purity andprobe recyclability, which is established on a selective coordination-basedcolorimetric probe immobilized on the surface of a quartz substrate to form athin polymeric film (F1). In particular, the N,N'-dimethylacrylamide (DMA),(E)-2-(methyl(4-(phenyldiazenyl)phenyl)amino)ethyl acrylate (M1), andN-(4-benzoylphenyl)acrylamide (BPAm) are copolymerized by free radicalcopolymerization to yield the polymeric probe [p(DMA-co-M1-co-BPAm)](designated as P1). M1 contains a selective 1:1 Au binding site. P1 exhibitedsensitive and selective colorimetric responses toward Au(III) in aqueous mediawith naked-eye detectability via a color change from yellow to brick-red. Theimmobilized film, F1, was able to determine the presence of Au(III) in variouse-waste samples via the color changes, which is in turn used to decide iffurther Au recovery is lucrative. Thereafter, trace amounts of Au at ultra-highpurity (23.97 K) with Au(III) extraction capacity up to 0.40 g Au(III)/g F1 arerapidly recovered (10 min) even in the presence of an approximately 100-foldexcess of other metal ions (copper and nickel) commonly found in e-wastewithout the use of harsh acids, bases, or toxic methods. Au(III)-liberated F1can be used to further recover Au(III), and this process was repeated formultiple cycles.



  1.Shapestabilized phase change materials based on different support structures forthermal energy storage applications-A review

  Abstracts:Thermalenergy storage systems play a crucial role in energy conservation and balancingenergy demand/supply. Recent thermal storage techniques and novel strategieshave expanded their usage in various applications. However, leakage duringphase change and poor thermal conductivity limits using phase change materials(PCM) as a potential thermal storage medium. Shape-stabilized phase changematerials (SSPCM) can effectively enhance heat transfer and prevent leakage. Besides,it provides flexible structures, good mechanical strength, and stability.Furthermore, loading a maximum quantity of PCM in the support structure enablesimproved efficiency of SSPCMs and enhances heat transportation. In this reviewwork, SSPCMs and different types of support structures used to prepare SSPCMare discussed and presented with their advantages and disadvantages. It is alsoaimed to provide comprehensive information on microencapsulation techniques,metallic, carbon-based, and polymeric support employed in SSPCM preparation.This review also sheds some light on the applications of SSPCM, morespecifically, thermal management and storage. Finally, the future scope ofresearch on SSPCM is briefly discussed. It is believed that the informationpresented in this review will help the readers to understand SSPCM anddifferent support structures for SSPCM preparation, along with variousapplication techniques.

  2.Enhanced energy storage performances under moderate electric field inaliovalent A/B-site co-doped AgNbO3

  Abstracts:Energystorage properties of Nd3+ and Hf4+ A/B-site co-doped AgNbO3(Ag1-2xNdxNb1-xHfxO3, x = 0.005-0.02) ceramics were investigated. Theintroduction of Nd(3+ )and Hf4+ stabilizes the antiferroelectric phase anden-hances the energy storage density. Besides, aliovalent doping of Nd(3+ )andHf4+ increases the relaxor charac-teristic, leading to low energy storage lossin the polarization and high energy storage efficiency. Above the antipolardipole freezing temperature (Tf), temperature-stable polarization is obtained,leading to a good tem-perature stability of energy storage properties.Ag(0.97)Nd(0.015)Nb(0.985)Hf(0.015)O(3 )exhibits excellent energy storageperformances, with a recoverable energy storage density of 3.94 J/cm(3) andenergy storage efficiency of 64.0% under a moderate electric field of 235kV/cm. The energy storage density increases with the temperature, and theenergy storage efficiency maintains good temperature stability, with a varianceof 11% in the range of 25 ?C to 175 ?C under an applied electric field of 200kV/cm.

  3.Analysison the heat transfer performance of supercritical liquified natural gas inhorizontal tubes during regasification process

  Abstracts:Thesubmerged combustion vaporizer (SCV) is an indispensable peak-shaving heatexchanger in the regasification process of liquified natural gas (LNG). Thispaper mainly studies the trans-critical heat transfer performance of LNG in thehorizontal tube of SCV under the convective heating condition. To this end, theconditions of fluid temperature, mass flux, and tube diameter arecomprehensively investigated through numerical simulation. Based on thesimulation results, the influence of the buoyancy on total and local heattransfer performance is analyzed from the distribution of flow field andthermal-physical property in the boundary layer. The results indicate that thebuoyancy leads to a significant difference in convection thermal resistancearound the circumference. Tube diameter and mass flux affect the degree of heattransfer strengthening in the lower part and heat transfer deterioration in theupper part of the tube, as well as the occupied circumferential proportion ofthe corresponding region. Considering the effects of local heat transferstrengthening and deterioration, buoyancy shows an enhancement effect overallon the heat transfer process, especially under the conditions of low mass fluxand large diameter. Based on the mechanism analysis of the convective heattransfer, two correlations are proposed to calculate the local convectionthermal resistance in the buoyancy strengthening and buoyancy deteriorationregion, respectively.

  4.Challenges andstrategies towards copper-based catalysts for enhanced electrochemical CO2reduction to multi-carbon products

  Abstracts:ElectrochemicalCO2 reduction (CO2RR) driven by renewable energy is a promising strategy toclose the anthropogenic chemical carbon cycle and simultaneously increasecarbon feedstock production. Multi-carbon (C2+) products from CO2RR are veryattractive as they are important fuels, chemicals, and industrial rawmaterials. Copper has received wide attention as an excellent metal catalystfor the formation of C2+ products through CO2RR. Although important advanceshave been made for Cu-based catalysts to produce C2+ products, there are stillchallenges such as wide product diversity, poor yield, and high overpotentials.The structure and composition of catalysts affect the binding strength of keyintermediates such as *CO and *OCCO during the CO2RR process. Therefore, it isnecessary to have in-depth knowledge of the relationship between the structuralcomponents and performance to figure out reasonable design strategies. Here, wesummarize the favored mechanisms for CO2RR and the possible pathways to produceC2+ products on the surfaces of Cu-based materials. Recent approaches tocatalyst design, including structure control, oxide-derived Cu, bimetallicstrategy, surface modification, and atomic-level dispersion, are evaluated fortheir CO2RR performance. Finally, challenges and perspectives in this field arehighlighted for further improvement of CO2RR.


  1.Assessing to what extent smartmanufacturing builds on lean principles

  Abstracts:Thisstudy explores to what extent the adoption and performance of smartmanufacturing technologies builds on the adoption of lean principles. Primaryexplorative survey data on the level of adoption of smart manufacturingtechnologies and lean principles and various operational performance outcomeswere collected from a set of Dutch manufacturers and analysed using ClusterAnalysis, ANOVA, and Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA). The Cluster Analysisshows that while lean is also applied without smart ("lean-only"companies), smart technologies are mostly applied in conjunction with lean("lean and smart" companies), suggesting that the presence of leanprinciples is necessary for smart implementation. A third group of companiesshows a low use of lean and smart ("non-adopters"). The NCAs furtherspecify the extent of this necessity by showing that all individual smartmanufacturing technologies used in our construct require presence of leanprinciples, with MES systems having the strongest dependency. Performance wise,lean-only and lean and smart companies have comparable superior performancecompared to non-adopters when considering an aggregate operational performancemeasure using the dimensions of quality, delivery, flexibility and cost. Whenanalysed separately, the aggregate level results remain true for quality anddelivery performance. However, for flexibility, the superiority of lean-onlycompanies is more apparent, while for cost, lean and smart companies aresuperior. This shows that implementing smart requires lean, but lean maysuffice depending on the specific performance objectives strived for.


  2.Optimizationof Energy Efficiency in Smart Manufacturing Through the Applicationof Cyber-Physical Systems and Industry 4.0 Technologies

  Abstracts:Sustainabilityis a topic that has been addressed and enhanced with significant improvementopportunities by the fourth industrial revolution, which is an essentialstrategy in the medium- and long-term for industries to adapt to an urgentnecessity from society: for competitive and sustainable manufacturing of goods.In that regard, energy efficiency is one of the key aspects for industries thatwant to achieve a sustainable and carbon neutral production process. This paperapproaches how the application of technologies and methodologies cansubstantially improve processes overall efficiency in terms of energyconsumption. This paper is divided in a three-step research, starting with: asystematic review to identify how smart manufacturing and cyber-physicalsystems are leveraging results in manufacturing energy efficiency; followed byexperiments to make real-time monitoring and simulation of industrial energyconsumption to optimize processes and reduce energy waste, and as a third andfinal step results are discussed showing gains in production planning andpotential saving opportunities in manufacturing energy consumption and costs.


  3.Smart Manufacturing Processesof Low-Tortuous Structures for High-Rate Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices

  Abstracts:Tomaximize the performance of energy storage systems more effectively, modernbatteries/supercapacitors not only require high energy density but also need tobe fully recharged within a short time or capable of high-power discharge forelectric vehicles and power applications. Thus, how to improve the ratecapability of batteries or supercapacitors is a very important direction of researchand engineering. Making low-tortuous structures is an efficient means to boostpower density without replacing materials or sacrificing energy density. Inrecent years, numerous manufacturing methods have been developed to preparelow-tortuous configurations for fast ion transportation, leading to impressivehigh-rate electrochemical performance. This review paper summarizes severalsmart manufacturing processes for making well-aligned 3D microstructures forbatteries and supercapacitors. These techniques can also be adopted in otheradvanced fields that require sophisticated structural control to achievesuperior properties.



  1.ChaoticSandpiper Optimization Based Virtual Machine Scheduling for Cyber-PhysicalSystems

  Abstracts:Recently,with the growth of cyber physical systems (CPS), several applications havebegun to deploy in the CPS for connecting the cyber space with the physicalscale effectively. Besides, the cloud computing (CC) enabled CPS offers hugeprocessing and storage resources for CPS that finds helpful for a range ofapplication areas. At the same time, with the massive development ofapplications that exist in the CPS environment, the energy utilization of thecloud enabled CPS has gained significant interest. For improving the energyeffectiveness of the CC platform, virtualization technologies have beenemployed for resource management and the applications are executed via virtualmachines (VMs). Since effective scheduling of resources acts as an importantrole in the design of cloud enabled CPS, this paper focuses on the design ofchaotic sandpiper optimization based VM scheduling (CSPO-VMS) technique forenergy efficient CPS. The CSPO-VMS technique is utilized for searching for theoptimum VM migration solution and it helps to choose an effective schedulingstrategy. The CSPO algorithm integrates the concepts of traditional SPOalgorithm with the chaos theory, which substitutes the main parameter andcombines it with the chaos. In order to improve the process of determining theglobal optimum solutions and convergence rate of the SPO algorithm, the chaoticconcept is included in the SPO algorithm. The CSPO-VMS technique also derives afitness function to choose optimal scheduling strategy in the CPS environment.In order to demonstrate the enhanced performance of the CSPO-VMS technique, awide range of simulations were carried out and the results are examined undervarying aspects.


  2.VariationalAutoencoder for Classification and Regression for Out-of-Distribution Detectionin Learning-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems

  Abstracts:Learning-EnabledComponents (LECs), such as neural networks, are broadly employed inCyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) to tackle a wide variety of complex tasks inhigh-uncertainty environments. However, the training dataset is inevitablyincomplete, and Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) data not encountered during the LECtraining may lead to erroneous predictions, jeopardizing the safety of thesystem. In this paper, we first analyze the causes of OOD data and definevarious types of OOD data in learning-enabled CPSs. We propose an approach toeffectively detect OOD data for both classification and regression problems.The proposed approach incorporates the variational autoencoder forclassification and regression model to the Inductive Conformal AnomalyDetection (ICAD) framework, enabling the detection algorithm to take intoconsideration not only the LEC inputs but also the LEC outputs. We evaluate theapproach using extensive experiments for both classification and regressiontasks, and the experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposedmethod for detecting different types of OOD data. Furthermore, the executiontime of detection is relatively short; therefore, the proposed approach can beused for real-time detection.


  3.LayerwiseSecurity Protection for Deep Neural Networks in Industrial Cyber PhysicalSystems

  Abstracts:Althoughdeep neural networks (DNNs) have been increasingly applied in industrial cyberphysical systems (ICPSs), they are vulnerable to security attacks due to thetight interaction between cyber elements and physical elements. In thisarticle, we aim to protect the core IP of DNNs, i.e., the model weights,against security attacks. Different from conventional approaches, a layerwiseprotection framework is proposed to ensure the confidentiality of DNN modelweights during the inference procedure such that the security quality ismaximized, while satisfying the latency constraint of the DNN task. Based onthe layerwise execution characteristics of DNN tasks, the encryptedlayer-related weights are decrypted and fed to the next layer of DNN inplaintext. CPU-field programmable gate array (FPGA) coscheduling is consideredto accelerate the execution of confidentiality protection, where CPU isutilized to conduct the decryption of weights and FPGA is used to perform thelayer execution of DNN. Considering to provide optimal confidential protectionfor each layer, the problem is transformed into a quality of securitymaximization problem subject to layerwise execution constraint and deadlineconstraint of the DNN application. Due to the problem being NP-hard, a fastapproximation algorithm is proposed to obtain the near-optimal solution undergiven real-time and security constraints. Extensive experiments and a real-lifeICPS application evaluate the efficiency of the proposed techniques.



  1.Up-concentrationof nitrogen from domestic wastewater: A

  sustainablestrategy from removal to recovery

  Abstracts:Improving environmental quality and achieving acircular economy require developing wastewaterresource recovery facilities (WRRFs) under stringent discharge standards. As asustainable alternative to control nitrogenous pollution, nitrogen separationand recovery from wastewater is the bottleneck to break through in WRRFs and iscritical to alleviating anthropogenic interference with the global nitrogencycle. However, nitrogen from low-strength domestic wastewater (20-50 mg/L) isoverlooked and requires up-concentration for adequate recovery. This reviewoverviewed the advances and significant challenges of current nitrogen removal andrecovery methods. Then several nitrogen up-concentration technologies weresummarized to clarify their working location, technical performances,influential factors, and strategies for nitrogen recovery from concentrate. Thepretreatment and post-treatment technologies were reviewed and discussed toimprove the adaptabilities of these up-concentration technologies in WRRFs.Considering the coexistence of NH4+ with impurities or high salinity in theup-concentration process, a novel workflow for nitrogen recovery by couplingup-concentration with a targeted conversion process was proposed to reach thehigh up-concentration factor, satisfy stringent discharge standards, andharvest valuable products. The results anticipated a possible effective andsustainable layout for WRRFs via combining nitrogen up-concentration withcarbon capture and phosphorus enrichment.


  2.Regulationof flagellar motility and biosynthesis in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coliO157:H7

  Abstracts:Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7is a human pathogen that causes a variety of diseases, such as hemorrhagiccolitis and lethal hemolytic uremic syndrome. Flagellum-dependent motilityplays diverse roles in the pathogenesis of EHEC O157:H7, including itsmigration to an optimal host site, adherence and colonization, survival at theinfection site, and post-infection dispersal. However, it is very expensive forcellular economy in terms of the number of genes andthe energy requiredfor flagellar biosynthesis and functioning. Furthermore, the flagellar filamentbears strong antigenic properties that induce a strong host immune response.Consequently, the flagellar gene expression and biosynthesis are highlyregulated to occur at the appropriate time and place by different regulatoryinfluences. The present review focuses on the regulatory mechanisms of EHECO157:H7 motility and flagellar biosynthesis, especially in terms of flagellargene regulation by environmental factors, regulatory proteins, and smallregulatory RNAs.


  3.Implementation ofSustainable Reforms in the Indian Automotive Industry: From Vehicle EmissionsPerspective

  Abstracts:The scenario of the Automobile Industry haschanged, not only in India but also for the world as a whole. Rise in demandfor more sustainable mobility and vehicles with increased usage of renewableenergies have given rise to a revolution. This revolution has not only beenaffecting mankind for better implementation of resources but has also showntremendous greener and cleaner effects on the flora and fauna of the land as awhole. There has been electrification of vehicles, addition of superior systemsto generate lesser harmful effluents and also changing the guidelines ofemissions to cleaner and more sustainable ones. The purpose of this paper is toreview and state the existence of different pieces of literature for thetransition from Bharat Stage-IV (BS-IV) to Bharat Stage-VI (BS-VI). Much hasbeen written about the transition to BS-VI, the difficulties, and the positiveeffects on vehicle reliability, economy and the environment. In particular, this work exploresthe parallels between BS-VI and the corresponding Euro norms and their sequenceof implementation. The aforesaid transition has increased the number of oilrefineries in India that produce BS-VI-compliant fuels, keeping in mind theincreased need for it. This paper explores the current state of the literatureand throws light on many of the questions regarding this significanttransition. The authors have tried to study the ongoing issues including thestress of inventory management of diesel-run passenger cars, the differentrefinements required to process and manufacture the BS-VI-compliant vehicles, people'sreaction on the changes brought in by the issuing bodies with respect to thenorms, to name a few. The focus of the research has been on Bharat Stageemission norms, their implementation challenges and automobile pollution inIndia to name a few. The authors also discuss the needs, advantages andchallenges faced by the industry, producers and customers and conclude thatthis change is one of the reasons for the decline in car sales in India as itmay affect the buying power of the customers.



  1.  Necrobotics: Biotic Materials asReady-to-Use Actuators

  Abstracts:Designs perfected through evolution have informedbioinspired animal-like robots that mimic the locomotion of cheetahs and thecompliance of jellyfish; biohybrid robots go a step further by incorporatingliving materials directly into engineered systems. Bioinspiration andbiohybridization have led to new, exciting research, but humans have relied onbiotic materials—non-living materials derived from living organisms—since theirearly ancestors wore animal hides as clothing and used bones for tools. In thiswork, an inanimate spider is repurposed as a ready-to-use actuator requiringonly a single facile fabrication step, initiating the area of “necrobotics” inwhich biotic materials are used as robotic components. The unique walkingmechanism of spiders—relying on hydraulic pressure rather than antagonisticmuscle pairs to extend their legs—results in a necrobotic gripper thatnaturally resides in its closed state and can be opened by applying pressure.The necrobotic gripper is capable of grasping objects with irregular geometriesand up to 130% of its own mass. Furthermore, the gripper can serve as ahandheld device and innately camouflages in outdoor environments. Necroboticscan be further extended to incorporate biotic materials derived from othercreatures with similar hydraulic mechanisms for locomotion and articulation.


  2.  Pipe architecture optimization of theparallel Hydraulic-pneumatic hybrid system using a hydraulic transformer

  Abstracts:The contradiction between the input powerfluctuating caused by the working condition's randomness and the fixed energyrecovery power of the energy storage system caused by the energy storage units’fixed power density has arisen in many fields. The battery-ultracapacitorenergy storage system and the parallel hydraulic-pneumatic hybrid system havebeen proved feasible to solve this contradiction in electric vehicles and heavyvehicles respectively. A hydraulic transformer with a function of regulatingthe pressure ratio between the input circuit and the load circuit could be apotential solution to the contradiction in the parallel hydraulic-pneumatichybrid system. However, there were two load circuits (hydraulic and pneumatic)in the parallel hydraulic-pneumatic hybrid system which proposed challenges forthe implantation of hydraulic transformer into the system and regulation of thepressure ratio between the input circuit and the two load circuits. To solvethis problem, a hydraulic transformer with two variable displacement hydraulicpower units was used to form a hydraulic transformer, the different connectionmethods of hydraulic transformer ports and each circuit, and the correspondingpressure proportional relationship were investigated. Based on above analysis,a new pressure adjustable parallel hydraulic-pneumatic hybrid system isproposed in this paper. The implantation of the hydraulic transformer into thesystem and the proportional regulation of the pressure in each circuit wereachieved. Simulation models for parallel hydraulic-pneumatic hybrid system andthe pressure adjustable parallel hydraulic-pneumatic hybrid system were built,and the simulation results were compared and analyzed. The regenerative brakingtorque could be varied from 14433.9 Nm to 168.56 Nm by adjusting thedisplacement factor ratio of the hydraulic transformer; the regenerative brakingtorque fluctuation of the PAPHPH system can be reduced by 65.61% when thedisplacement coefficient ratio (εB/εA) is 0.5; Stable work of the aircompressor was achieved.


  3.VibrationalProtection by Pneumatic Suspension with Hybrid Damping

  Abstracts:A pneumatic suspension with a hybrid damping systemis investigated. The system includes a hydraulic shock absorber, a pneumaticdamper, an inertial–frictional shock absorber, and a dynamic damper.
















1. A cross-cultural comparison of ethnocentrism andthe intercultural willingness to communicate between two collectivisticcultures

  Abstracts:Thereis a prevalent notion regarding divergence in the extent of ethnocentrism andthe intercultural willingness to communicate across cultures. Given thiscultural divergence, research is replete with comparative studies ofethnocentrism and the intercultural willingness to communicate betweenindividualistic and collectivistic cultures. However, to our knowledge, acomparison of these crucial cultural tendencies within and their consequencesfor collectivistic cultures has been overlooked. Thus, this study provides across-cultural comparison of ethnocentrism and the intercultural willingness tocommunicate among university students from two collectivist cultures, i.e.,Pakistan and China. The researchers employed a cross-sectional design. A sampleof 775 students was collected using a survey technique. The findings show thatPakistani students are more ethnocentric and have a lower interculturalwillingness to communicate than Chinese students. Moreover, males were found tobe more ethnocentric and less willing to communicate in intercultural settingsthan females in both countries. These findings validate the notion ofethnocentrism divergence across collectivistic countries and its influence onthe intercultural willingness to communicate. Additionally, they demonstratethe role of demographic attributes in evolving ethnocentrism and theintercultural willingness to communicate. Accordingly, these findings alsoconfirm the ecological assumption that contextual factors, such as demographicattributes (e.g., past interactions with foreigners), influence communicationschemas. Therefore, concerning its management, these findings suggest thatincreased people-to-people interactions between the two focal countries canbetter foster their mutual understanding to reap an increased harvest of thefruits of the Belt and Road Initiative.


2. Color technology is not necessary for rich andefficient color language

  Abstracts:TTheevolution of basic color terms in language is claimed to be stimulated bytechnological development, involving technological control of color or exposureto artificially colored objects. Accordingly, technologically “simple”non-industrialized societies are expected to have poor lexicalization of color,i.e., only rudimentary lexica of 2, 3 or 4 basic color terms, with unnamed gapsin the color space. While it may indeed be the case that technology stimulateslexical growth of color terms, it is sometimes considered a sine qua non forcolor salience and lexicalization. We provide novel evidence that thisoverlooks the role of the natural environment, and people's engagement with theenvironment, in the evolution of color vocabulary. We introduce theManiq—nomadic hunter-gatherers with no color technology, but who have a basiccolor lexicon of 6 or 7 terms, thus of the same order as large languages likeVietnamese and Hausa, and who routinely talk about color. We examine colorlanguage in Maniq and compare it to available data in other languages todemonstrate it has remarkably high consensual color term usage, on a par withEnglish, and high coding efficiency. This shows colors can matter even fornon-industrialized societies, suggesting technology is not necessary for colorlanguage. Instead, factors such as perceptual prominence of color in naturalenvironments, its practical usefulness across communicative contexts, andsymbolic importance can all stimulate elaboration of color language.


3. Improving interprofessional communication:Conceptualizing, operationalizing and testing a healthcare improvisationcommunication workshop

  Abstracts:Background:Communication errors are a leading cause of adverse events in the acute andambulatory healthcare setting. We now understand that communication within andacross professions and patients is a complex achievement with numerousbarriers, including cultural, educational, and structural hurdles.Improvisation has been identified as an approach with great potential todevelop communication skills for multi-disciplinary healthcare students.Objective: We report on the interdisciplinary conceptualization,operationalization, and effectiveness testing of a novel educational healthcareimprovisation communication workshop. Design: Prospective pre-post testexperimental. Setting: University of California, Irvine. Participants: Total of158 nursing, medicine, and population health students. Methods: Weconceptualized improvisation through the constructs of presence, trust, andacceptance to develop workshop activities, then used the Kirkpatrick LearningFramework to test the workshop's feasibility, learning outcomes, andpreliminary behavior changes. Results: Participants rated the feasibility ofthe workshop highly. Pre-post workshop effectiveness testing showed significantincreases in communication and collaboration competencies. Qualitative datasuggested workshop activities were powerful learning modality because they werepremised by introducing their conceptual underpinning and providing tangibleexamples via the video and debrief. Qualitative data also suggested preliminarybehavior changes post workshop. Conclusions: We have developed and tested acommunication teaching modality with strong conceptual grounding and empiricalevidence of its efficacy in engaging healthcare students in collaborativecommunication, with documented evidence of learning that health educators canuse in their courses. Future research is needed (and currently underway) togenerate the evidence that the workshop can be adopted and sustained within amulti-school curriculum, which includes testing the feasibility of cross-schoolcurriculum logistics (i.e. cross-listing the course to meet different schoolregistrar policies, teaching workload sharing across faculty, etc.), as well ascontinued effectiveness testing.


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