1.Low-temperature VOCs oxidationperformance of Pt/zeolites catalysts with hierarchical pore structure
Abstracts:Different zeolitessupported Pt catalysts with micro-mesoporous structure were prepared by organicbase tetrapropylammonium hydroxide (TPAOH) treatment and their catalyticoxidation activity for various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) wereevaluated. The results reveal that the synergistic effect between Ptnanoparticles and surface acid sites plays an important role in VOCslow-temperature removal. The small size and high dispersion of Pt nanoparticleson the surface of the zeolites would promote the catalytic oxidation ofaromatics and alkanes over the Pt/zeolite catalysts, while strong acidity andabundant acid sites of catalysts are in favour of the oxidation of the VOCscontaining N and O heteroatoms. In addition, it was found that Pt/ZSM-5catalyst exhibits the highest oxidation activity for various VOCslow-temperature removal amongst all the catalysts due to the balance of both Ptdispersion and abundant acid sites in the catalyst. This comprehensiveconsideration should be very helpful when designing and preparing novelcatalysts for the low-temperature removal of VOCs.
Keywords:Hierarchicalpore zeolites; Pt/zeolites catalyst; Synergistic effect; VOCsoxidation
2.Solid waste managementin emerging economies: opportunities and challenges for reuse and recycling
Abstracts:The increasinggeneration of solid waste, varying waste compositions, and inefficient wasterecovery processes have limited the performance of traditional approaches. Itis urgent to collect a virtual special issue (VSI) that consolidates researchon efficient models and better treatment technologies to break up the currentsystem limitations. Recently, Solid Waste Management (SWM) strategies thatfocus on reuse and recycling have revealed their current limitations orchallenges. An awareness of the progress in addressing these limitationsthrough the advancement in available technologies and the development of newsystematic approaches for SWM are of increasing importance not just foradvanced but more for emerging economies. Herein, this VSI aims to provide areview and collect important studies for SWM on reuse and recycling. Thechallenges and future opportunities in the application of SWM have beendiscussed to highlight the potential development in this VSI.
Keywords:Emergingeconomy; Reuse and recycling; Solid waste management; Wastetreatment
3.Adaptations ofMunicipal Solid Waste Management Systems in Response to theCoronavirus Pandemic
Abstracts:The coronaviruspandemic has challenged the operation of municipal solid waste managementsystems (MSWMSs) in the United States and elsewhere. With the growing concernabout the potential exposure to the coronavirus, people are spending more timein their homes while changing their waste generation behaviors. This phenomenonhas changed not only how people produce waste but also how MSWMSs plan andadapt the operation of their facilities. Since solid waste management has beendeclared as an essential service in addition to public health, MSWMSs havefaced new challenges and thus developed adaptive measures in order to keeptheir critical operations. This study (i) identifies a broad range of wastemanagement and operational challenges and (ii) summarizes various adaptivemeasures taken by different MSWMSs. Ephemeral data were collected and analyzedon the longitudinal impact of the pandemic on multiple MSWMSs in severelyaffected U.S. states, such as Florida, California, and New York, over anine-month period. Note that best management practices for such waste-relatedchallenges and adaptive measures can vary across different MSWMSs and states.In order to facilitate the development of different MSWMSs’ plan for futurepandemic events, this study will characterize the identified impact of thepandemic and its relevant adaptive measures in terms of system structure (i.e.,what facilities exist [entity], how they interact with one another [interdependency],and who control which facilities [control]). © 2023, Canadian Society for CivilEngineering.
Keywords:Adaptivecontrol systems; Municipal solid waste; Waste management
1.Development Strategiesof New Energy Materials for Carbon Peak and Neutrality
Abstracts:Transformativeenergy technologies will provide strong strategic support to the realization ofpeaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030, and achieving net zero carbonemissions before 2060. Reducing the dependence on fossil fuels by saving energyand reducing emissions from the source is essential to achieve thedouble-carbon target as soon as possible. Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory isworking on key materials to develop solar-battery power systems andelectrification of transportation energy to return coal, oil, and natural gasfrom fuels to materials. This study focuses on introducing the research team ofits New Energy Materials and Devices R&D Center with the whole chaininnovation mode from research to technology transfer/transformation. Exampleworks of new materials for High Efficiency Crystalline Silicon Solar CellsGroup, Li-ion Battery Materials Group, Flexible & Zinc Battery Group areintroduced. To get through “the last mile” of technology transformation, researchprojects and pilot lines have been set up to make new energy materials anddevices into products in the past three years, and work together withindustrial partners in an innovative workshop cluster model. It is suggested tomake overall planning, provide stable support to the research and development,and create a cluster development model with R&D center-innovativeworkshopsindustrial parks.
Keywords:crystallinesilicon solar cells; lithium-ion power batteries; new energymaterials; zinc-based energy storage batteries
2.Functional carbon materials forhigh-performance Zn metal anodes
Abstracts:The realization of“carbon peak” and “carbon neutralization” highly depends on the efficientutilization of renewable energy sources. Exploring reliable and low-costelectrochemical energy storage systems is an ever-growing demand for renewableenergy integration. Among available candidates, aqueous zinc-ion batteries(AZIBs) receive extensive researchers’ attention because of their materialabundance, high capacity, high safety, and environmental friendliness. However,the irreversible issues of Zn anode in terms of notorious dendric Zn growth, Zncorrosion/hydrogen evolution, and passivation significantly impede thecommercialization of high-performance AZIBs. Carbon materials have advantagesof large specific surface area, low cost, high electrical conductivity,controllable structure, and good stability. Their application provides remediesfor improving the comprehensive performance of Zn anodes. In this review, thefundamentals and issues of Zn anodes, and the research progress with functionalcarbon materials for Zn anodes in recent years are presented. Three majorstrategies are described in detail, including the use of carbon materials(carbon nanotubes, graphene, carbon fiber, metal-organic framework (MOF)derived host, etc.) as Zn plating/stripping substrates, as protective coatinglayers on Zn, and as electrolyte additives. Finally, the remaining challengesand perspectives of carbon materials in high-performance AZIBs areoutlined.
Keywords:Additive; Aqueouszinc-ion battery; Carbon material; Coating; Substrate; Znanodes
3.A Comprehensive Reviewof Nanomaterials: Types, Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications
Abstracts:Nanotechnology hasinfiltrated all sectors due to its unique and evident impacts, which give thescientific community numerous breakthroughs in the medical, agricultural, andother domains. Nanomaterials (NMs) have risen to prominence in technologicalbreakthroughs due to their adjustable physical, chemical, and biologicalcharacteristics and superior performance over bulk equivalents. NMs are dividedinto many categories based on size, composition, capping agents, form, andorigin. The capacity to forecast NMs' unique features raises the value of eachcategorization. As the manufacturing of NMs and industrial uses grow, so doestheir demand. The purpose of this review is to compare synthetic and naturallyoccurring nanoparticles and nanostructured materials to determine theirnanoscale characteristics and to identify particular knowledge gaps related tothe environmental application of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials.The paper review includes an overview of NMs' history and classifications andthe many nanoparticles and nanostructured materials sources, both natural andmanufactured. Furthermore, the many applications for nanoparticles andnanostructured materials.
Keywords:application; characterization; nanomaterialstypes; nanotechnology; synthesis
1.Mathematical model for heattransfer during laser material processing
Abstracts:The articlepresents development of a new heat transfer model for calculating temperaturedistribution in porous and non-porous materials during laser cutting. Thenovelty of this model lies in incorporating melting and vaporizationprogression of porous media during laser interaction. The modelling has beenimplemented through a transient finite difference scheme and the results havebeen validated against experimental data of cutting various materials by laserincluding rock and metals.
Keywords:Boundaryconditions; Heat transfer; Laser material processing; Porousmedia
2.Researchon Intelligent Control Technology of Maglev Robot Based onNeural Network
Abstracts:The fusion ofmagnetic levitation technology and robot is an important direction in theresearch of precision robot. Aiming at the motion characteristics of magneticlevitation robot realized by elastic deformation, this paper proposes that inthe aspect of intelligent target positioning of magnetic levitation robot,multi-target recognition and detection calculation method of convolution neuralnetwork is used to accurately locate the target object; in the model-based torquecontrol structure, the magnetic levitation robot is established. The parallelprocessing RBF neural network model of the inverse motion problem of thefloating robot could improve the solution speed while maintaining a certainaccuracy. In order to improve the trajectory tracking accuracy of the maglevrobot, BP neural network has been used based on the traditional sliding modevariable structure control. Simultaneous interpreting the mapping relationshipbetween the master control module and the sensor, the neural network algorithmreduces the network weight by means of error back propagation. Then, when theheading angle and longitudinal velocity of the maglev robot are time-varying,the path following has been controlled. The application of these strategieswould have a certain reference value for the effective intelligent control ofMaglev robot.
Keywords:convolutionneural network; magnetic levitation technology; parallel processingRBF neural network model; path following; robot intelligent control
3.Stepwiseinertial intelligent control for wind power frequency supportbased on modified stacked denoising autoencoder
Abstracts:Due to thelarge-scale popularization of renewable energy, the rotational inertia of modernpower system is reduced, which increases the risk of power system failure andpower outage when disturbance events occur. The wind turbine (WT) must beinvolved in frequency control to respond to power imbalance in the grid when itis detected. Stepwise inertial control (SIC) is one of the important frequencymodulation strategies, but it will bring about secondary frequency drop (SFD).In order to minimize SFD while ensuring excellent frequency modulation effect,it is necessary to solve the optimal parameters of SIC, and the traditionalmethod is very time-consuming to solve the parameters in different scenarios.In order to obtain the parameters quickly and accurately when the disturbanceevents occur, a stepwise inertial control of frequency modulation for windpower based on modified stacked denoising autoencoder is proposed in thispaper. First, the sparrow search algorithm is used to obtain the required data.Then, the network model of the modified stacked denoising autoencoder isconstructed. The “pre-training, fine-tuning” method is used to train thenetwork parameters, and the Adamax optimization method is introduced tofine-tune the network parameters, which improves the training effect. Key words:Adamaxoptimization; Modified stacked denoising autoencoder; Secondaryfrequency drop; Sparrow search algorithm; Stepwise inertial control
1.Designof Artificial Intelligence Monitoring and Early Warning Systemin Safety Manufacturing Based on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering
Abstracts:Manufacturingsafety has increasingly become a concern of the whole society. Existingmanufacturing safety measures are inefficient and costly, which no longer meetthe requirements of modern large-scale manufacturing. The latest development ofartificial intelligence technology provides new solutions for intelligentmonitoring and early warning in manufacturing By analyzing the needs ofmanufacturing safety, this paper proposes the design of artificial intelligencemonitoring and early warning system in manufacturing safety based onhuman-machine-environment system engineering, aiming to improve themanufacturing safety level of the whole society.
Keywords:Artificialintelligence; Early warning; Man-machine-environment systemengineering; Manufacturing safety
2.Artificial Intelligence-BasedIoT Clustered Smart Vending Machine
Abstracts:Vending machinesare a vital part of normal people’s everyday life in countries like Japan orthe USA. India is lacking in the use of effective methodologies in vendingmachine space. The smart vending machine is designed to work ambiently with IoThardware and the proprietary design architecture of the physical machine. Thisvending machine is designed to reduce the mechanical complications present inthe current machinery and use technically advanced systems based on IoT; whichwill help in remotely interfacing with the machine as well as intelligentlycompiling the data which our artificial intelligence system interprets, givingus predictions for customers as well as the vendor. The machine will beconnected to the cloud, responsible for comprehensive data collection andprocessing. Our system will be having a cluster of vending machines that willbe interconnected to each other. The singular vendor can view the datagenerated by all these machines on a single console and will be able to controland monitor the aspects such as product management, machine state check, andmany more from the console itself. The machine will not be having any physicalinterface for users, and we have designed an utterly end-to-end architecturefor this system which will revolutionize the vending machine space in theindustry.
Keywords:Artificialintelligence; Cloud computing; Embedded controller systems; IoT; IoTcluster; Vending machine
3.Artificial Intelligence inLogistics and Supply Chain Management: A Perspective on Research Trends andChallenges
Abstracts:Industry 4.0technology is a new vision towards digital transformation of logistics,manufacturing, supply chain and related industries processes. It aims toincrease automation and improve communication, self-monitoring, and develop adata-driven, fully connected supply chain ecosystem. In this context, SupplyChain Management (SCM) with the advantage of Artificial Intelligence (AI)technology have gain significant attention. It is considered one of theadvanced solutions in improving the information quality, making betterdecisions, and solving practical problems related to SCM. Several researchworks have been conducted in this area; however, few studies have examined theresearch trends and challenges of AI applications in logistics and supply chainmanagement. The major contribution of this study is to develop a conceptual overviewof the fields where AI integrates with supply chain management in order topromote further research and development provides valuable insight forlogistics/supply chain managers.
Keywords:ArtificialIntelligence; Big Data analytics; Block chain; IoT; Machinelearning; Supply Chain Management
1.How to enhance supply chainresilience: a logistics approach
Abstracts:Logisticscapability is an important enabler of supply chain resilience (SCR). However,few studies have analyzed the underlying influence mechanism of logisticscapability on SCR in extreme conditions, such as those of the COVID-19pandemic. The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the role oflogistics capabilities in constituting a resilient supply chain.Design/methodology/approach: Drawing upon the dynamic capability perspectiveand contingency theory, the proposed conceptual framework aims to demonstratethe relationship between a firm's logistics capabilities and SCR. Furthermore, theconceptual framework is illustrated by empirical evidence from a case study ofa Chinese manufacturing company, which focuses on extracting practical lessonsfrom the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings: The findings suggest that digitalization,innovativeness, and modularization comprise potential mediating pathways forfirm logistics capability to affect SCR and government policies, riskmanagement culture, trust and cooperation moderate the effect positively. Thepotential associations are identified and elucidated by detecting thecorresponding strategies and practices of a Chinese manufacturer that performedwell amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Practical implications: This study providesspecific guidelines for logistics managers to enhance SCR during the COVID-19pandemic. Seeing SCR as a dynamic capability, the framework is also instructivefor manufacturers, supply chain members, and policymakers to achieve thesustained competitive advantage of supply chains. Originality/value: Thefindings expand the understanding of enhancing SCR in a logistics approach. Theempirical validation of propositions in the case study reveals a new vista forresearch on SCR.
Keywords:Dynamiccapability; Logistics capability; Supply chain; Supply chaindisruption; Supply chain resilience; Supply chain risk
2.Usingthe Logistics Approach to Assessing the Competitiveness of anEnterprise
Abstracts:The articlesubstantiates the relevance of the development of the marketing logisticssystem, the logistics approach to assessing the competitiveness of theenterprise, as well as solving methodological problems of managing logisticsbusiness processes and meso-competitiveness. In order to identify its specificsand indicators, study its impact on the economic efficiency of the enterprise,a comparative analysis of the experience of companies practicing marketing andlogistics tools for assessing and ensuring competitiveness was carried outusing methods of theoretical and empirical research, systemic and statisticalanalysis. The company's competitiveness assessment was carried out on the basisof a set of indicators, including marketing and logistics processes. They madeit possible to define logistics guidelines as a scientific and practicalactivity for safe strategic management of enterprise competitiveness in orderto minimize logistics costs and commercial risks, optimize the company'slogistics system and increase its profit and profitability. The need tointegrate the groups of practices used in assessing the competitiveness of anenterprise as a link in the supply chain is justified.
Keywords:Competitiveadvantages; Competitiveness of the enterprise; Logisticactivity; Logistics; Marketing
1.Computationalfluid-dynamic investigation of a centrifugal compressor with inlet guide vanesfor supercritical carbon dioxide power systems
Abstracts:A centrifugalcompressor for large-scale supercritical carbon dioxide applications (∼50 MW)is analyzed by means of RANS simulations. The purposely designed compressorincludes adjustable inlet guide vanes, an open impeller, and a wedge-shapedvaned diffuser. The upstream total state is located at 78.70 bar and 305.15 K,close to the thermodynamic critical point, whereby non-ideal effects andtwo-phase flows are significant. To account for these effects, thecomputational model implements a homogeneous equilibrium model (using pressureand specific enthalpy as state variables) complemented with a state-of-the-artequation of state explicit in the Helmholtz free energy and specificcorrelations for transport properties. It is found that the compressor canprovide the entire pressure ratio required by the cycle (∼3.25) with highefficiency (87.9%, excluding parasitic losses). Three inlet vane rotations areconsidered: −10deg, 20deg, and 40deg. The preswirl has a limited effect onefficiency, which is reduced by 0.3% points away from choked conditions withvane rotation of 40deg. Nonetheless, the preswirl affects the extent of thetwo-phase region at the impeller intake, which has a detrimental impact on thecompressor flexibility by setting an early choking.
Keywords:Centrifugalcompressors; Critical point; IGV; Non-ideal effects; Supercritical CO2;Two-phase flows
2.ExperimentalEvaluation on Suitability of Alternate Fluids with the Influence of Additivesfor Power System Transformer Applications
Abstracts:Transformers aremost vibrant equipment of power system network and petroleum base mineral oilis used as dielectric insulating medium and cooling medium. At present moreresearch works are focused towards natural esters based fluids asprospectivedisplace to traditional mineral oil, due to similar properties oftransformer oil, high availability of resources, high biodegradability andenvironmental friendly nature. This work emphasizes on enhancement ofproperties of natural ester using antioxidants. Natural esters such as mustardoil, rice bran oil, punna oil and castor oil are chosen for investigation alongwith antioxidants such as gallic acid, citric acid, propyl gallate and tertiarybutylated hydroxy quinone. Natural esters are mixed with 1 g, 2 g, 3 g and 5 gof antioxidants for the investigations. The critical properties like breakdownvoltage, flash point, fire point, viscosity, interfacial tension, water contentand acidity of natural esters are analyzed based on IEC/ASTM standards beforeand after addition of antioxidants. From this study, it is noted thatantioxidants improve the characteristics of natural esters after addition of itand properties are superior to the traditional mineral oil.By the suitableproportion of fluids the 80–90% of characteristics betterment are achieved withthe influence of fatty acid based additives.
Keywords:Antioxidants;Biodegradability; Mineral oil; Natural esters; Transformers
3. Antibiotics andantimycotics in waste water treatment plants: Concentrations, removalefficiency, spatial and temporal variations, prediction, and ecological riskassessment
Abstracts:For investigatingthe spatial, temporal variations and assessing ecological risk of 10antibiotics and 6 antimycotics, influent sewage water and treated effluent werecollected during three different seasons in 19 waste water treatment plants ofTianjin. High performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry wasused to analyze 16 substances. The concentration range of influent samples wasnot detected (nd) −547.94 ng/L and the concentration range of effluent sampleswas nd–52.97 ng/L. By calculating the removal efficiency, it was found thatCiprofloxacin (CIP), Ofloxacin (OFL) and Clotrimazole (CTR) were effectivelyremoved. There were significant spatial and temporal differences, theconcentration in the dry season was evidently higher than that in the wet andnormal seasons, and the northeast was lower than that in the northwest andsoutheast. By establishing a data set of influent and effluent, the priorityfeatures were extracted by feature engineering, which were temperature andNH3–N. Under the condition of ensuring the best performance of the models, theinfluent model with 9 features and the effluent model with 4 features wereestablished, and the quantitative relationship between the above features andconcentration was obtained through partial dependence analysis. Except forMoxifloxacin (MOX), Norfloxacin (NOR) and OFL in the influent samples, the RQvalues for other antibiotics and antimycotics were less than 0.1. Among theeffluent samples, only NOR had an RQ value greater than 0.1, and OFL, MOX, andPefloxacin (PEF) had RQ values between 0.01 and 0.1. Comparing the observationsand predictions individual RQ values, the predictions were ideal and matchedthe observations. This work effectively assessed environmental impact andprovided a valuable reference for evaluating antibiotics and antimycoticsecological toxicity.
Keywords:Antibiotics;Antimycotics; Domestic waste water; Machine learning; Risk assessment
2. “模子”互照与“第三种诗学”——论叶维廉对现代汉语诗歌语法的发明